
I read today they were those freaky polydactyl cats that are yet another example of humans manipulating the genes of less intelligent species for their own entertainment.

Judy Greer's, "Get the lube" may be the most depressing last line I've ever heard, and I've watched The Duchess of Malfi.

Exactly. I expected the'phone to ring, and Harry to answer while Walter had him in a chokehold.

No; not genetic. Cultural, though. You're taught from very early in your life that some things, some stories or ideas, have a deep significance and it becomes ingrained on a level you can't escape or ignore.

…ookay; as an Englishman, I'm not sure how to respond to that. It's true I've read OAFK, and Malory, that I have been deeply moved by Tennyson's Morte D'Arthur (especially Alan Rickman's reading of The Death of Arthur) and had strange visions while up on Glastonbury Tor, but is that really just because my ancestors

Professor X discusses The Once and Future King with his students at Xavier's school. Is this a Stewart in-joke, or just a coincidence?

Prancercising looks like an awesome workout - but I don't own a rope of pearls, or any dangly earrings. Can I still get a good workout without them?

These new Bond books make me think about Harlan Ellison raging about the vultures picking over the Conan stories after Howard died.
Slowly rotting zombie Bond is worse than no Bond at all.

Cut him some slack. The poor guy's missing Barsoom and Deja Thoris.

I'm kind of enjoying this, but being American Football illiterate (it's like Rugby, except they all wear helmets and padding because they're kind of sissies, right?), I worry I'm missing a lot of subtlety. Then someone starts humping in a public toilet and that stops being a concern.

He had to take Viagra, or some other boner inducer, right? That's why he was over 20 minutes in the "shower", and why he didn't just immediately jump on his evidently randy girlfriend.

"I'm pretty sure this cast of characters came from a Lou Reed song."

Loved Kanan's, "He's a Sith Lord" explanation; we get a real sense of how menacing, how terrifying such a figure must be to regular folks and quondam Jedis alike.. Kind of like how he was for all of us before Phantom Menace and the Midichlorian debacle.

So actually more like BaldWolf, amiright?

Ohh, I don't know…
Something snarky-but hopefully clever- about shit my Dad says, I guess.
What? I've been drinking.

Erlich is a fan of Dune and has spectacular facial hair. Therefore, he's awesome and his choice of beverage is equally awesome. There is no shame, here.

A transom is, "a crosspiece separating a door or the like from a window or fanlight above it"

What struck me about that scene was that Hanna is really only capable of compassion when it is a requirement of his profession. The murdered mother of an anonymous prostitute gets the compassion his wife cannot- until her daughter attempts suicide, and she becomes a part of his job. He doesn't really know what to do

The American Eagle is a bird, you fucking commie.

The physiques of various toys representing humans are scarcely any more accurate, to be fair.