
I remember the title sequence. That really put the hooks in me, and I've never seen anything to match it for sheer, unsettling fascination since.

Maybe I'm missing something, but unless whatever sport is involved has only one participant,or the Cardinal in question is a Roman Catholic dignitary attatched to the University, then surely "Cardinals", the plural of which Cardinal is the singular, is correct.

"Arbeit macht frei" was written on the gate at Dachau. Jared clearly only speaks German while asleep.

He's certainly "actor who has his own abs." But I somehow doubt "barrel rolling a car so a crane hook can pull a bomb off the underside" is a stunt he (or anyone ) actually performed.

That's a worrying amount of very specific information.
Unless you were speaking metaphorically.

Something "doo economics"? It was very contraversial.

Maybe not; but if she were eating brioche while sans culottes; that'd work for me,too.

'sa negotiatin' tactic innit mate? 'E's tawkin' shit so vey'll fink 'e's not innerested an' up ve amahnt a' dosh vey'll bung 'im.

'Rather see her sans culottes, though.

Shelly Long can still stand in the shower, look down and see her own toes. It's been a while since Ms.Allie could do that.

Why not prune juice? It's a warrior's drink.

Hey, Molly; yeah, you've never watched Star Trek:Voyager, have you?

A month later, the fuck-up is still there.

He reminds me, very much, of a younger Max Von Sydow. Tremendous presence and very watchable. He could totally go eye to eye with death over a game of chess.

"But when
day came, with a sprinkle of rain, and he looked about
him and saw on every side unknown woods, wild heaths
and blue mountains, he thought how large and strange
the world was and felt frightened and small."

It's the Lazerus pit. It brings people who are dead back to life. Exactly where in that scenario is your disbelief being challenged? And it's comics. Take a breath, grab a beer (or the intoxicant of your choice ) and relax, dude. It's either entertaining, or it isn't.
The small stuff ( like, "timelines" and such)

I thought something like that. He's far too good an actor to be just killed off just after his introduction like some extra. The guy was in was in Stargate : Atlantis for chrissake. In two roles.

That Western, right? Il mio nome è Nessuno,from an idea by Sergio Leone.
Terence Hill and Henry Fonda?

You're right, of course. I should have Googled the episode or something. I, I was just so thrilled to remember the yams.

Isn't "lesbian woman" redundant?