
YNB is coming back to remind herself what it's like to do comedy that is actually funny rather than the freeze dried, laugh tracked crap they're shilling on The Odd Couple.

He was clearly supposed to be the one getting married recently, but they had to shoehorn Garrett in instead.
Neil has that whole history with the girl he killed all those yams for, which would have added resonance to the wedding.

…none taken

Of course, you mean, Chinkle All Ze Vay zwei, Hollyvood, don't you?.

The correct term for a soul patch of course is, "Douchemaker" because that's what it does.

Has anyone else noticed the butt of Terence Howard's weapon in the photograph above and felt vaguely uncomfortable about it's position?


What I was thinking of, but I couldn't remember chapter and verse.

"Don't discuss the past" could get really difficult, taken literally.
You leave your keys in the coffee shop, come back five minutes later asking if anyone remembers where you put them and they cut your throat for discussing "the past". There ought to be some kind of clarification of what constitutes "The Past".

Loved this, from the opening spoof on the first Highlander fight to the Dean's Winter Soldier "fight" in the elevator.

He should probably stop off and have a stern word with Kirk and his crew (in both iterations), as well.

Me, neither. Another dummy here, I guess.

I'm confused.
Wasn't The Muppets always meta?

But you know, given the amount of chemistry and enthusiasm between the current actors, a show where the leads were both actual zombies would have been more interesting.

I feel like this is the kind of thing numerous primates worked out on their own. Any youngster with opposable thumbs, rudimentary tool making ability and access to mud (or shit, or whatever) is going to discover it's properties very quickly.

Rum Tum "Tugger?"

*Bows deeply*

As Charlie Brown used to say, "My stomach hurts"

"…Rules was just a lot more mean to its characters."

I, uh, I actually kind of like this show.