
Gee whizz, I just love Deb and George.
They're swell.

Yes, Routh doesn't get enough credit. He was totally committed to his portrayal

Leave him alone. He was a cool old guy, and a kind, decent man. If he was also a product of his time and didn't always manage to rise above it's fatuities , well, he wasn't alone and at least he tried; however embarrassing we may find his efforts.

In The Colour (Color) of Magic, Rincewind suffers from life long nightmares of falling, because he will/does/has endure(d) a fall so terrifying at one point in his life, it sends ripples of trauma down both directions of his timeline. Being murdered by the Reverse Flash vibrating his hand through your chest must

I think he was also working for at least some of his earlier run under the ultimate editorial authority of Jim Shooter, for whom the phrase, "micro managing control freak" might have been invented. Shooter had a whole lot of rules for writers and artists about what constituted a "proper" comic book story, including

I just re (re) watched the episode and realised where I'd seen exactly that petty, quarrelsome dynamic before: between the Malloy brothers in Ocean's 11.


Yeah; it makes the scene funnier-and more bearable. (I watched through my fingers the first time. While rocking back and forth .)

I agree, though she seems to be working a lot harder to be socially awkward but brilliant than Christopher Evan Welch ever did.

I'm guessing he's interviewing for a boat guy.

"Dinesh and Gilfoyle continue their unmasked loathing for each other other …"

He probly got bit by a big ol' snook.

I love the story reported in The God Delusion, where Evelyn Waugh, in an effort to keep him quiet, bets the young Randolph Churchill he can't read the Bible in a fortnight :
"He…is hideously excited;keeps reading quotations aloud, "I say I bet you didn't know this came out of the Bible…" or merely slapping his side

I made a point?

"…stop pussyfooting around it and get them the psychological help they so clearly need."

"…fiduciary malfeasance"
I like that. I'm gonna use that.

How will he be better than Eli Wallach, the original Calavera, who's name (as near as I can figure) means, "Skull" ; surely the coolest villain name ever?

Michael Bay doesn't generally tell very interesting or coherent stories, but he films them with extraordinary ability. The guy is unquestionably an auteur with an exceptional eye and the images he creates can be breathtaking, even if the material he focusses on is moronic.

"…the tangled web weaved…"

I really liked Laurel's snarky "X-ray vision" remark, followed by the camera holding for a beat on the former Superman.