
"…strong, beautiful babies.” Wonderful.
Strong, beautiful, insane babies, which is totally what they'd get. Ehhh, not so much.

Mock them all you like, but one day cell phone holsters will be cool, and I will be ahead of the curve.

Bones makes me think of the coda at the end of Ferris Bueller's Day Off : "You're still here? It's over. Go home."

Alec Baldwin's "gravely voicever", or "gravelly voiceover"?

Holy crap, Dave Foley's smile in that top picture is terrifying. He looks like The Joker's even more deranged younger brother.

Leonard looks down at his crumbling frisbee and says, "Like tears, in rain."

"…Adele fulfills a long-running desire Ilana didn’t even realize she had: to hook up with herself."


Okay, well; thanks for stopping by and sharing.

"…diegetic reality…"

Harsh, but fair.

Ohh, that was interesting.

The Inquisitor also said something cryptic about there being "worse things than death", just before he took a header into that 'sploding power core. I'm thinking he went to avoid retribution from Vader and Tarkin. Unless Darksiders have a method of coming back after, like the Jedi, I think he's a goner.

Barbara is an irritating, self destructive drunk. Leslie Thompkins is ballsy, tough minded and likeable. Even allowing that neither have any chemistry with Gordon, which one sounds more like the mother of a future Batgirl?

But these are all clever, moral people (well, except for Doc. Wells - maybe). They have the tacit approval of Detective West and thus, by implication, the Central City p.d., but it would be interesting to see it addressed . You can see some aggrieved metahuman sueing them for wrongful imprisonment, or kidnapping, or

Good episode; one of the better ones to date, but what the fuck are they doing with Babs Keane (Keene? Keyne? Ah, who cares?)? They've created this whiney, contemptible, unlikeable irritant.So now she goes home, and the big reveal is what? That her parents were a little unemotional and stand offish and so now we're

Did anyone else notice that the Big Bad (don't know his name, but the actor used to guest on Stargate: Atlantis pretty regularly) was playing Prospero; kind of the puppet master of the whole play, and thus the likely mastermind in the story being told here?
A subtle bit of foreshadowing, there, sadly undercut by the

I got married six months after meeting my wife.
Of course, I then spent the next six years becoming progressively more and more unhappy and regretting I had ever done anything so rash while at the same time hating myself for not being proactive and leaving until she finally became so exasperated and miserable she

When Ezra was touching the rock at the Jedi temple, did anyone else think he should try saying, "Mellon", or maybe to wait 'till the thrush knocks ?

If I may be annoyingly pedantic; " humbug" is closer to "bullshit" in meaning.