
Right ; because simply having a bird in the episode means a hopeless rehash of exactly the same ideas. Why, it might as well be the same script!

Potato salad ; chunky style?

Ah, yeth, that'th a thong I know tho well.

Man that was a good episode. It made me feel about twelve again. The two going off to duke it out at the end was so classic comic book.
Did anyone else see Flash and Arrow as analogues for Superman and Batman, here? Their differing ideologies,Oliver all grim and brooding, Barry much more the boy-scout, the fact that

What about the other fat, annoying doofus on Marry Me? Apart from the fact that A-Z's fat, annoying doofus is a ginge, they are interchangeable, and consequently equally annoying.

Well, it's about time.
My only other choice for an Elliscentric (is that a word?) series would be an adaptation of Wolfskin, Ellis' sideways look at Larry Niven's idea about a world of the distant past in which magic works, but is a finite resource coming to the end of its supply and being further weakened by

Not really, no.

Is that the Robert Urich show about the dude who lived in a garage, or have I forgotten to take my meds again?

Anyone else read "Maelzel's chess player"? It's an essay by Poe, the literary Grandfather of Holmes, and it's basically his careful dissection and debunking of a chess playing, apparent artificial intelligence- from the 19th century, no less.
For some reason, this episode kept making me think of it. I was

Somebody opens a fifty year old bottle of champagne I've been saving, "to hear the pop"?
I drink the champagne and then beat them to death with the empty bottle.

Really liking the new Ward's ambiguity. He's gone from Least Interesting Leading Man Ever into something, well, interesting. The confrontation between the two brothers was great. They let you know the older brother is kind of a prick and a liar because he's cheating on his wife, but the stuff he says to Ward about his

Yeah; I'm guessing the person writing these reviews isn't married, and has no idea how an ongoing relationship between grown-ups who aren't Mickey and Minnie actually works.
Of course there's frustration, rage, hatred and contempt. These people spend a great deal of time together in profoundly intimate

I loved Flashback Holt's, "I strongly disagree"

We have seen Dum-Dum, briefly, in a flashback opening to one of this season's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., so maybe we will see him and the rest of the Howling Commandos in this.

“Pretending to be an alien is a valuable coping mechanism.”

Stop off at White Castle on the way!

I hated the first episode, but this has been growing on me subtly, like a fungal infection.

I'd like to see an Apatosaur get its fat ass up onto a set of bars.

Exactly. He's not gay ; he's just really, really strange. It's like you'd have to want to see homophobia in the two henchthug's eyes when Oswald kisses the dead man, instead of the naturally freaked out expression anyone not on the Psycho Criminal Oddball spectrum would pull at that point.

If they could get him, Jeremy Irons would be perfect.