
Or, to paraphrase Garland Greene,

So, Ollie is like T.H.White's Lancelot ? A guy who really wanted to hurt people, but knew it was wrong and so did everything in his power to be merciful and just.

"Ghost ink"

What I like most about Ward is trying to guess how much of her Northen accent will come out in any given scene. When she's in total control, she's all BBC received pronunciation, but the more emotional she gets, the more Northern her inflections become. I'm pretty sure it's a deliberate choice on the actress' part.

Well, if anyone can survive that disintegration doohicky, it's someone saturated with gamma radiation goodness.

Loved the Pieter De Hooch floor in the Netherlands scene. I really hope that was someone in production design being witty.
Plus: What I like most about Simmons is trying to guess how much of her Northern accent will come out in any given scene. When she's in total control, she's all BBC received pronunciation, but

Yeah; they totlly Binked the Chopper character : dumb, irritating and funny only to six year olds and George Lucas.

My brother was a policeman in Hong Kong for many years. He learned Cantonese because it was the lingua franca; although most of his gweilo colleagues didn't bother. You can (or could- pre '97) get by there with English (and a reliable translator) it's true, but if you're dealing with the underworld, as we must assume

You know why there's a "glut of hangout comedies or sitcoms that lack strong conflict?"
People like 'em.
People whose livelihood is not connected to having to write several paragraphs on meaningful dissections of episodes where there's very little conflict; just a bunch of funny, amusing people the viewer can

"sneak peak"
No!! The phrase is "sneak peek" "Peek" is a quick or furtive look; "peak" is a summit, or high point, which makes your sentence meaningless.
Sorry, but this is one of those stupid mistakes that really pisses me off.

I'd like to second that Evangeline Lily suggestion.

Many of us have read the books. Many of us disagree.They fly close enough to where men live" to drop off Sam n'Frodo after they rescue them from Mount Doom, don't they? And the Company spends a good deal of time a long way from where men live, and where eagles actually dwell.
As has been observed elsewhere; Tolkien

Does this mean that the blu-ray, "director's cut" version will be the day-long battle in real time?

"Loose the Walrus riders of Mount Doom!"

No; they are the garbage Hollywood puts out these days.

Watching Thea improve from youngling novice to, like, Padawan level in about three months makes me wonder if those Queen kids don't have some kind of mysterious advantage over the rest of us - maybe their Dad did some work on them in early life a la Sydney Bristow?

My favorite episode to date ; laugh out loud funny.
Interesting to see it covering similar ground to an episode of Last Man Standing, as well.

A handsome, debonair apparantly selfish "privateer", with a well hidden moral compass? Seriously, why don't they just call Hawley "Han"? It will save an awful lot of confusion about his character in the long run.

Go to Ireland and drink it there before you pass judgement. Guinness anywhere else doesn't taste the same; even in England which isn't that far away.

Brandon Routh keeps on looking like Superman.