It was a cheap shot but
It was a cheap shot but
Uh I am going to say that your handy graphic (based on which data?)
mens rights are where womens rights were 50 years ago, the crazies are in charge right now. There are absolutely serious issues Masculinity that needs to be sussed out, it can be possible to be distinctly fantastically and separately male without turning it into femininity light, nor does it have to be built on…
I am a firm believe that people who rate people on a number scale based on looks should also do some serious soul searching.
I agree, it doesn’t matter what level of privilege you have a victim is a victim is a victim and should be treated accordingly.
wow what a lily livered chickenshit
is he somehow less entitled to work than anyone else?
how tired and disgusted this administration makes me. Every day,
DeVos, who, surprisingly enough, supports gay rights
He just put forward a program this year in his proposed budget that tries to put some of that funding back, Unfortunately I don’t have the specifics handy to share, but I know there are size and other conditions to that money. So of course it will not assist schools that would fall in those cracks.
you are so right.
neat, So I bothered to actually look up Chick-fil-A once one came to my town, and they divested themselves of all but one of the charties that was at all homophobic, and the remaining one is at best tangentially homophobic. I know doing research and facts is not Jezebel’s strongsuit, when their is clickbait to be had.…
I would agree with that, but also add the corollary that in addition to muting there must be the ability for those of merit to be able to access the wealth. Mobility is the key.
nice to know that people have to bass a progressive purity test to have worth in your world view.
Should they get paid more for seeing the big picture, sure. Should they get paid 1000 times what the entry level job is...fuck no.
maybe that means that extreme liberals are the assholes then
isn’t she basically just a cyborg Jubilee
ok so wood is out, Tomatoes? Rotten Fruit?
well if they had a policy that not showing up to work could result in termination, I am not sure how I follow that it was illegal. If they were at will employees there is no protection for political speech.