
I think we need to delve a little deeper here. Stereotypes like anything else are a tool in your brain’s tool kit. Stereotypes are your brains way of just going Ipsum Lorem when you interact with someone while your brain decides whether or not this person or thing is valuable enough to dedicate actual brain storage

too be fair IVR’s are by their very nature annoying, but I am pretty sure that is not their beef.

something something pet monkey named Kate upton’s boobs

Jake peralta and the pontiac bandit waiting til april before coming back to us.

Why does this man continue to find work?

I agree, Pudzer, while an absolute shitheel , was probably the best organized labor could hope for out of Trump, with him out of the way we will probably get someone who wrote the book on crushing unions or something.

well that is terrible

that is yeoman’s work brava

sure, so does the kid flipping my burger and he didn’t deserve the Grammy either.

self indulgence is the new talent.

Pretty much exactly this but younger.

well, serious logical arguments don’t work on people who simply claim alternative facts.

The Arab-Israeli conflict is a quagmire wrapped in a thorn bush. Its like hot mess of Religion, zionism, european colonialism, Pan-arab nationalism, Ashkenazi vs Sephardic, and just simple geographic musical chairs.

This is the what America needs to be great again

3 years is a gift for this show that NBC passed on. but more Titus will be needed.


Can we please please please Make Eazy D Donald Trump’s nickname from now on

but this was self serving and hollow.

So being asshole and being told no, is racial discrimination now.

I would not want to live with that fascist loofa faced shit gibbon either, but it is costing a million dollars a day to keep her in NY. This is unacceptable.