If the chinese want Matt Damon are you going to tell them they are wrong?
If the chinese want Matt Damon are you going to tell them they are wrong?
Is Android a race? Because the original character had an android body.
funny story.
I guess we could weasel through it by saying she said she would do that if she could.
Maybe, the place of women has ebbed and flowed through history. I don’t know if they have been as high as they have now since like seriously matriarchal societies in ancient times.
I will second that too, but maybe i am just used to more intense flavor, I like a litle garlic basil and onion in the sauce.
I am goingto have to second that.
a piece of garbage whose appetite for celebrity content is insatiable and indiscriminate
of course it does,
I doubt they would do anything with it other than toss it in the garbage
I am a bit livid at this, Also Sen. Udall read the letter on the floor, and no one stopped him, I wonder what was different.
I feel like there must be something missing here. Like was it a statutory rape situation?, did she lie about her age on social media? Why even mention social media?
And there it is.. the first argument for Betsy DeVos, I can get behind.
when you find a stranger in the Alps?
oh no a cable network tries to diversify its audience. Clearly we have to hate them :)
all true, her accomplishments in law, child welfare and smashing glass ceilings are important, but she was also a complexly apathetic candidate who felt entitled to the presidency and campaigned as if she had already won and now we are stuck with Biglyto Cheetolini because of it.
too be fair if we are expected to be empathetic, without the expectation of the same in return, you can see why people might think that’s being an asshole.
He was a poor candidate, but an absolute shitmonster of a human being and he still out campaigned Hillary, so what does that make her.