
I thought you might be an ignoramus, but now I see you are worse. We all make choices in life. You should make better choices.

Nah, forget that guy. Bob always ignores the chat.

It’s 2019 bro. You shouldn’t be using that word. There is enough hate in the world. No need to propagate more.

If they don’t sign Bob Ross from beyond the grave then I just can’t countenance this travesty any further! *fanning self, retires to the couch*

Speaking as someone who only occasionally streams things between friends (and therefore has no special Twitch status at all) I’ve noticed that Mixer does seem to have much less latency between what I’m seeing and what the stream is seeing. It means that we can actually talk about what happens in my game without them

how would you know this?

"U wanna fuggin' go m8, let's go"

One thing I like to do in any GTA game is go to an area where there are lots of gangsters and start punching cars. They'll get out to beat the crap out of me, but they won't use their guns unless I use mine. So then I climb up on top of a car where they can't reach me and call the cops. When a patrol car arrives, I

I think my favorite part was when the fire truck arrived on the scene, immediately caught fire, then exploded... So then they sent another fire truck...

Yeah, it's kinda like: "Wasn't I supposed to be the maniac?"

I think the main thing peopel aren't understanding is that a petition isn't binding....its just a suggestion. It isn't a vote....it isn't a decision.... its just a way of announcing and idea and saying "this many people agree."

So I persoanlly don't understand why so many people are saying things like "I don't like the

I love how the cops only momentarily attack him when he walks by them. It's like, "No, buddy! You're going to STAY and WATCH while we shoot pointlessly at this car!"

"Oh my, it's MARIO! Keep cool, play it cool, let's try to take a picture without him noticing..."

As an Eagles fan, I love how many of these game ending interceptions were against my squad. I could watch these all damn day!