
Colorado was in the Conference title game in 2005 and 2004.

More like Washington Foreskins amirite?

are you new here?

Will Deadspin COTY still be a thing? Does Raysism need to return/punt back his trophy?

During the trial did they ever refer to him as Terry Bollea? Is Terry an interested buyer?

Wait a second. Let that news clip run out. What the hell happened in that court room?!?!?

Good effort Billy.

I’m pretty sure the guy in that picture above went to my high school

worst moments of your life keep getting worse

did I hear, “call the medic...again” ?

I'm from Colorado, we don't get a lot of sushi there. For my 13th birthday that's what I wanted. My mom made it happen and invited a few friends over. A 60 yr old woman who'd never had sushi experimented with a few times before consciously throwing back an entire ball of wasabi assuming it was an authentic item of the

so much truth to this.

I know those chicks and this is still hilarious +1

I just hate him so

That's what she said!

Can't wait until ESPN suspends the law for 4 months.

Chris Berman uses the same spray in between segments on the blitz

we organized this for an in person draft in NOLA 2 years ago. Yes it works. And yes, you will be disappointed with the willing candidates.

I actually have a Bronson Arroyo story, which even looks as ridiculous as it sounds.

long live jungle bird! stop deforestation