Odd Jørgensen

Ignore him, he`s a lunatic, racist and barely literate. Took a look at his commenting history, and boy howdy there`s a smorgasbord of crazy if I ever saw one. "Fergerson" agitators being paid 75 grand a year and whatnot. Classy Monty is not above throwing the N-word around some either.

Well, she did get almost 3 million more votes, but thanks to an arcane way of counting votes, the democrats got fucked again. Ironically, so did all who voted for agent orange.

Your comments would carry more weight if you were able to commienicate in anything beyond single words and gibberish tovarisch.

Walmart….No pants? No problem, would you like a mobility scooter?

Now if only the head honcho at TLC could get rid of honey boo boo, long island medium and other nonsensical crap, TV might be watchable again some time in the future.