
Being a narcissist isn’t a crime, nor is it an issue to be a CEO.

You're a child.

Except the whole reason fans are upset is made up. Because they haven’t bothered to play the game and would rather attack women then live in reality. Typical Gamergater.

Being both ignorant and misogynistic doesn’t make for much in the way of legitimate grievances. It’s a game, not a history lesson.

It's not politics, it's people being shitty towards women with think veiled arguments. Women are underrepresented in games and it hurts nothing to have them as generals. 

Richard Spencer said it himself. He doesn’t care about free speech, he cares about the tolerance of his ideas until he has enough power to silence his opposition.

The rep sort of alluded to that by suggesting people could use mods.

The next time someone gives me shit for not dating guys who play video games, I’m showing them this article. Jesus H. Christ.

Counterpoint: fuck misogynists.

I think the real outrage here is that this game exists at all, given that video games didn’t exist back in Roman times. #anachronismpcbullshitmagaethicsinvideogamejournalismpizzagate

Lol pretty sure you ARE a soft pathetic excuse of a human. Intimidated by anything to do with females and needing to bristle at the thought of “SJW’s”, like they’re out to take away whatever little masculinity you have left residing in your inverted prick.

Being bothered by video games depicting women in positions of power, by definition, makes you a “soft pathetic excuse of a human being”.

Get Woke, Go Broke.

Look you limp dick turd of a human, everybody’s ignoring your dumbass reasons because they’re dumb. What are you doing...RP’ing a strategy game? Really getting into the period and shit? No? It’s a game? Getting worked up because there’s a chance of generating female generals? Oh fuck...feminazi’s coming after you!

These guys are being emasculated by shapely polygons because they have authority inside a videogame. But yeah, feminism is why guys can’t get laid today.

Fragile masculinity strikes again. It’s reassuring though that they tend to overlap with incels, and thus a higher than average chance they’ll never produce offspring.

Well, fortunately incels by definition are not breeding.

Considering, for example, the mere existence of gay people in games has some people crying “political!”, I don’t think those people are being reasonable.

to add. the way gamers and “nerd culture “ people act anymore, if anyone asks what my hobby is, I just say i watch porn, becasue at this point, its the LESS EMBARRASSING FAN-BASE I BELONG TO

Man, I’m all in on CA’s response to this. I mean, ya, they need the game to sell and all that, but I’m here for the “don’t like it, don’t play it” answer.