
Yeah, I love JLD but statements like that and “don’t settle for anything less than your dreams” drive me nuts. Do you honestly think that the hundreds of thousands of people who work in corporate backoffices grew up dreaming of spending 8 hours a day in a cube between a lady with an annoying voice and a guy with a

It’s a fantasy of willing submission that plays out repeatedly.

Exactly. Where does she include “demanding other women choose to live the same life as I’ve chosen” because that’s what her policies are about

Something like this?

Ummm...was he holding a little dog at the time?

I only wish I could have been this amazing and articulate at 9 - freaking 9!! At 9 I was mainly worried about when and if my friends and I could get together to swap Polly Pockets!

This is incredible!! Fuck yes, little girl, scoop all those professional reporters. Collect your Pulitzer in 10 years and laugh in their faces.

This. It isn’t and never has been about advancing men of various groups. It has always been about stopping women from advancing theirs. They see feminism as a zero sum game.

Yup. It always reminds me of the Margaret Atwood quote: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them”.

You catch it from tampons.

They don’t understand that. They define it differently. To them, feminism or racial equality is defined as, “Oh shit, the _____ are going to treat us as badly as we’ve treated them all these years? EVERYBODY PANIC!”

It’s pretty telling when someone’s best example of the ol’ misandry is a guy getting his mustache made fun of. Like, I would kill to live that life. Imagine if we women had nothing more to complain about than something so fucking frivolous and out of touch? What’s that quote- “God give me the confidence of a medicore

oops. We’ll miss ya.

Why risk losing the “damn bitch had it coming” vote? That is at least half of his base, anyways.

I am SO glad someone else saw that interview; it had me seeing red when I read that line.

I always wonder how these people justify the cost to defend these laws in court. It’s not cheap to file appeals and pay a team of lawyers. Passing a law that will fail is not fiscally responsible.

It had to be done, for posterior-ity.

Dare I air my objection?

An oldie: