
Their only objection to it is they didn’t think of it first......and make a profit off of it. The Republican party has never, ever had a problem with making a buck off of anybody. Kids dying in sweatshops turning $40 billion a year in profit for Walmart? Let’s give that patriotic company more tax breaks. This is

If it involves a medical doctor and my body, it’s fucking healthcare.

Because our unwanted, aborted, fetuses are being donated to research for the public good, not in the hazardous waste trash can we assumed! I am fucking BETRAYED!

I have a dream that one day women will be thought of as capable of making their own goddamn decisions about their bodies without some old, white man telling them they don’t know any better.

Dear so-called “pro-life” crowd:

I had a coworker who, upon finding out that I was a vegetarian, asked me if I ate some particular kind of fish. I said no, and chalked it up to people like your coworker. Then he asked if I ate bread, and I realized he was just an idiot.


And he’s too stupid to even make a good Borg; he’d always be trying to recharge by plugging into his own asshole.

Picard is an aristocrat.

I certainly disagree that Star Trek wasn’t and doesn’t continue to be (at most with the exception of the last two movies, which were made to appeal to wider audiences) political. The role of scifi is to explore current political and social issues through a lens that allows us the distance necessary to assess and

Nah, the Romulans were powerful and to be feared and respected. In other words, nothing like Ted Cruz. The Ferengi, on the other hand ...

All I hear is an angry man yelling a whole lot because the buffet line has brussel sprouts and he HATE brussel sprouts and how dare they offer brussel sprouts when he hates them so much that he doesn’t want his adult daughters to go anywhere near those brussel sprouts.

I think it’s because she’s like a wax figure of herself. So you figure, the real live woman is probably collecting dust somewhere, all, “Help me!” but no one hears.

First of all: this is the longest post in the history of time.

my scrolling finger just dislocated.

We really need to make all of these issues moot and completely do away with religious tax exemptions. If churches want to file as charitable non-profits, then they have to follow the same rules as any other non-profit.

I didn’t realize this would be that big.... But it’s really the response I want to give to all these fuckwits.

Dumplings anyone?

It would be nice if this movement had even a tiny pinch of skepticism in their approach to, well, anything. If something comes out that seems to confirm my worst suspicions about people I hold in contempt, I generally try to confirm it with a few real news sources before I really believe it.

I was JUST emailing my friend this morning telling her how glad I am that she used to work at a Planned Parenthood. How confused I was when she originally told me, years ago, not to tell anyone unless she had already mentioned it to them. I just do not understand. They provide an invaluable service to the public.