martin ekeberg

One f the dragons dies and will be resurrected by the night king. Jon almost dies, but doesn't, he and dany share intimate scene but no sexy sexy.

So will you have to have watched all of Iron Fist to enjoy this? I fell off it after 5 episodes, just could not take it anymore.

With poor animation you could just read the manga instead. Whole point of an animation is to evoke something more than the manga can, usually by music, pace, and aesthetics.

Jaime fell into water wearing full armor. Even if Bron jumped after him there's no way to get armor off fast enough to avoid drowning (unless magic, or the script wants it to happen of course >.<).

The guy is scary charming, and should be typecast as the Devil in all shows and movies from henceforth.

Women can't have PHDs, get real man.

Never understood this obsession the hero universe has with a city.

Yeh i liked that too, but I liked it because Claire was suddenly the bad guy I was rooting for >.<

This is some universal truth?

holy shit who cares about the story when a show just has this much fun?

I thought you were refering to the speed, not if it was boring or not.


ah the blindness of fanboism never ceases to amaze.

He moves so slowly now, it's so boring to watch, Season 1 fights were fantastic, now it's just meh.

You probably misunderstood my question.

The show aside, how could they circumvent the university's ownership of the patent?

Can concur with this, working in a similarly grim profession myself. If you don't joke around the job WILL get to you.

nothing wrong with celebrating strengths. Women have power becuase of their looks, why not find out who's got the most?

Ha! The line about not speaking Danish because it's a garbage language had me cracking up, they nailed that part.
- Norwegian