
The “before” pictures above are from SF4, and therefore her breast size looks smaller. If you google “SF5 cammy” you can clearly see that her breast size has not been increased at all.

I am the only one that used to get big groups of friends together to play and watch games get played? It’d be 6 or 7 of us and we’d play through Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, the Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series, older games like Contra III: Alien Wars and the like. It was always a blast! I distinctly remember

In esports matches, this is also something that viewers can’t tell either.

“There’s an old wives’ tale that submariners tend to have more daughters.”

I remember reading US subs have a secret screw design that greatly reduces cavitation, the forming of bubbles. The sound of all those exploding bubbles can give away a sub’s location in short order.

It’s white and gold now.

That looks like a yeast infection waiting to happen...

That's kind of what's going on in this article. The author laments that a flying death machine hasn't been put to work.


All MS Paint!

People that hold the attitude era in impossibly high regard should go back and watch it again. It was fun for the time, but ME storylines like Undertaker attempting to embalm Stone Cold don't exactly stand the test of time.

Why is love written at the top of the helmet?

Well yeah, if I didn't have my legs weighing me down I could climb a rope too

Just wait until they can do the same:
"We will now test how your brain can come up with dirty tactics now that the room is flooded with deadly neurotoxins."

Drunk Mario Cart (n64)

Well, I know what I'm doing when I get home.

We dump our garbage in the water, so you're going to start dumping yours on land, eh?