Hey look. It's call of duty again! I loved that game!
Hey look. It's call of duty again! I loved that game!
Needs more midriff.
This Sunday's game ended in a 1-1 tie.
People seem to be forgetting the backstory. He has to die and be rebuilt as a cyborg. Having not seen the show, can I take a stab that this will be an upcoming story? I know he is already part robot in the picture above, but I think you could get something like the Kano mask in future stories.
Dr. Strangelove?
But OH, the ticket sales!
As a municipal manager, I'd like to think this game is a success in that it revealed the true impossibility of accurately mapping municipal functions and operations down to a T. Maxim tried, but everything just kept breaking. Just like in real life. Kudos for offering up a game that so perfectly simulates the exact…
All white women look the same of course.
There's a happy ending here, though: Atari responded to the deluge of negativity by promising that yes, there's a PC incarnation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 planned for later this year. Diehard fans can pretend that this mobile one doesn't exist, and perhaps go nutty once again this fall, when we all discover that "PC…
It's called Diablo 3
Live Birth, or External Development. If there isn't a little manufacturing plant in there, its a reptilian robot. Everyone knows that.
"Apparently everyone at Morgan's cancelled show has given up in during its waning days."??? Turn of phrase that I'm not getting?
To be fair, most video games based on movies are shitty too.
This dude needs to seriously cut out the white face. I'm offended.