
Seems like it would be easier to find a great performer than Lin Manuel since Lin Manuel wrote it, right? Like Charlie Kaufman doesn't play the protagonists in the movies he writes. What are the odds the guy who wrote the play would be a better lead than every brown/hispanic dude (or whatever racial configuration they

In the survivor's statement that went viral, I found the most effective part to be her thorough explanation of how the attack affected her psyche and had her constantly in fear and pain.

Presumably the budget for a renewed show might be higher in season 2 than in season 1, so maybe that's part of why they're pushing back the road trip, along with grounding the show rather than having it be all over the place in early episodes.

I don't think I'd have Tulip as a top 10 character in the book even though she's the 2nd or 3rd biggest, so why not make a whole new character?

I bet he plays the villain. He'll presumably have a big and interesting role, Coogler is smart enough to know the MCU films lack good villains, MBJ says he wants to be diverse in the roles he plays (and he hasn't played a villain yet) and of course there's already a young male hero as the star.

I think you're right to be nervous. His size means his death could be cool as hell and this show knows where it's bread is buttered.

I assume the Mountain can still be killed and being Cersei's Corey Lewandowski rounds "him" up to being worthy of remaining on Arya's list even if he's not really himself anymore.

For years I thought the people who said "Ted can't meet the mother until the final scene since we won't like her as much as the characters we spent years with" were right. This case was only strengthened by the show's difficulty in adding strong new characters and likeable, funny love interests over the years.

I think it's the opposite. He's treating people better and being less selfish. That's gotta be a good thing.

When you really love someone, and they aren't attracted to you, it seems reasonable you would still want to be friends with them. Not for ulterior motives but because they are a person you love talking to or texting with and going to watch movies and get coffee with or whatever activities you enjoy. Someone you trust

I feel like Thanos is a cuck

"Do what you feel, son. Mandela, Howie Mandel, whatever. I dunno."

Yup. The film glorifies superheroes and their work in the way a normal superhero film does, which is a bizarre misreading of the tone of the comic.

I'm a terrible lawyer and just thinking about that scene is giving me anxiety.

This has become possibly my favorite Radiohead song, and I'm a bit worried it indicates mental illness.

I think Jacobs being a stronger actor than Rust makes Mickey more sympathetic than she should be as compared to Gus. She's easier to identify with because that's what a great actor makes you do.

That gravity comment makes me think that they should really have cast someone unknown and with size as O.J.

Terrible advice, friendo. It's a Bay movie and ScratStitch wants to see it for aesthetic reasons. That's gotta be an in theatre and not at home viewing.