
“very reminiscent of Nazi Germany,”Give me a break. This kind of rhetoric is what is actually dividing this country. I seriously doubt the person who said that was anywhere near Nazi Germany during WWII.

Jalopnik needs to stop posting this garbage noise on its feed. We get it - Terrell is pessimistic about all things Trump. We get enough of the political bullshit from Jalopnik’s own contributors.

Back in the day we just complained that FTA brought military stuff to to an automotive site. Now FTA is just a shell site for anti-trump pro-gawker pro-theslot liberal garbage. Please do is a favor and either associate FTA with the liberal parts of this site or quit posting your political crap on the jalopnik tree.

I mean who wouldn’t right. Hell I’d want to ride down the damn street in one. If you haven’t had the pleasure of riding in an M1 its pretty fucking awesome, unless your in the desert.

So now a ‘hot mess’ excuses you for treason?

dad jokes about your dad. dad joke inception.

Gotta play nice with Jezebel every now and again.

Hmmm. And you don’t think any of the things you mentioned would occur with Clinton as president.

And I find it rather funny that the Democrats’ complaint boils down to “The Russians released our emails to the American public!”

No evidence has actually been given. Just vague accusations. Though, Obama did give taxpayer money to the opposition of Netanyahu during Israeli election season. And Obama did have a foray into British politics by taking a stance on Brexit.

I also miss Tyler Rogoway.

“The issue with Trump’s call is that President Ing-wen”

They looked like this when I first stole them:

The Culture series by Iain M Banks. Even at its most melancholy, who doesn’t love a posthuman anarchic utopia run by sassy godlike AIs?


Sorry I really don’t see the problem with this.... If there is an issue can someone please explain it to me.

That movie is a forgotten classic. To prove it, I quote it incessantly when I go sailing and people think I actually know what I'm doing.

I wonder if they plan on introducing a likable character

And now his watch has ended too. And he held it indeed.