
If you’re getting honked at more than once a year you’re probably a really bad driver. I can’t tell you the last time I was legitimately honked at. I honk at someone at least 3 times a week. People suck at driving and need reminded of this at any chance. Honking is strictly for my enjoyment. I couldn’t care less what

*cough* *cough* assembled in Detroit, MI...right up until FCA killed it last year.

So is “David Tracy” what we’re labeling cars on their last miles, now?

Fucking hell dude, reading is fundamental.

It’s interesting you bring up the whole AI thing. I’m a software guy myself (boring IT management type software). One would think that with the processing power (and connectivity) available today, that autonomous cars would be able to “learn” and gain experience like you and I do from our time on the road. Sure, they

The problem is still lazy reporting. They stop at “Tesla with AP crashes” and don’t drill down into whether or not the AP system failed or if some other cause was to blame. They don’t provide context or comparisons to other vehicles. The coverage is biased from how the reporter *thinks* the system should work instead

I’d say Tesla and Elon are partially responsible for the snide remarks and incessant coverage. They don’t respond to criticism well at all, which just drives them further into the news and brings on additional scrutiny and coverage.

Great point. We should keep in mind the proportion of fatal/non-fatal accidents among autonomous/semi-autonomous cars with non-autonomous cars. We should also keep in mind that perhaps non-autonomous car accidents need not be the standard to which we should reference because many of us expect better from a

Sure, it would be irresponsible not to be critical of a new technology... but you also have to be careful in this age of “trending news” and easily-shared information.

This kind of coverage, however “responsible” it might be, tends to bias the less-informed folks. And the less-informed folks are the majority of folks,

The problem is disproportionate coverage that creates the incorrect impression that semi-autonomous vehicles—and in particular Teslas—are inherently dangerous in and of themselves.

I fully support this product. If you want to take a trip through the windshield, feel free to do so.

Tesla drivers can also accessorise with one of these!

Then go get a Civic, Corolla, 3, Sentra, Elantra, Golf, Jetta, Fit, Versa instead.

A rusted out Wagoneer > The Bus > NYC Subway > rickshaw >hitch-hiking with a guy featured no less than 15 times on Americas Most Wanted > Dodge Journey

For all its faults, the Dodge Journey is still several orders of magnitude better than any vehicle you own, David.

yeah man I once saw a guy get stabbed to death with nothing more than the key to a 1981 Cutlass Brougham and a 9" Bowie knife

I love no longer needing to turn the key to start my car. Fight me.

Toyota (including Lexus) cars account for about half of the carbon monoxide/proximity key-related injuries and fatalities, according to the Times.