
Not going to lie, I like the hand brake

Call me crazy, but I like the looks of the new 200 and Dart, but dat build quality! I HATE the Charger. The Challenger is a nice homage. But again, build quality.


Steaming? They were only Lukewarm.

“Sadly this woman didn’t die” what is wrong with you

They didn’t report it because it was the first time in 3 years a Taurus had left the lot.

Meanwhile, a billion years in the future...

Yeah but let’s talk about the panel gaps

I’d still say auction it off. Unless the food has gone bad, then not much choice there.

This, so much this.

Is that a Harrison Ford Falcon?

This incident aside- statistically speaking, train travel is still safer than jumping off a cliff

They do seem a little off track.

US. Yes, Mitsu is much larger than just the US. VW - perennial top-3 automaker, moves a mere 500,000 vehicles a year here. That’s 5% of their annual sales.

Presenting the all-new Elio Flight! Please give money

Neutral: I’m cool with automakers building whatever they want. Just because they make something doesn’t mean I have to buy it.

How much squee? All of it. All of the squee.

That car was known as the “Encore” here in the US and available at AMC/Jeep dealers. The Alliance was a distinct model.

Congratulations, Mr. cream wobbly and Mr. some-turbo-on-meeeee, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Mustang which this lovely lady will deliver without any Miata anywhere.

It isn’t their fault your ears are too insensitive to notice the huge improvement in transients and decreased breathiness in your music. Clearly this product is meant for the most discriminating listener, and only really adds to systems where care has been taken to optimize all areas of the setup, like amplifiers,