This is why Americans wonder why the rest of the world loves soccer.
This is why Americans wonder why the rest of the world loves soccer.
“the amount of time it took the Secret Service to determine the $10 bill he attempted to use was real.”
I can pretty much guarantee you that somewhere in this country there is at least one backup tape with those files on it. You just need to sort through a bit of bureaucratic red-tape to find it/them. If those tapes have been removed there will be evidence of their removal and likely suspects, because the government’s…
Unspeakable nightmare? Wow, you must have had an incredibly privileged life up to this point. Even without pre-check, the process of screening takes, at worst, 20 minutes of waiting in line and 3 minutes to walk through a machine and have your bag x-rayed. We aren’t talking about waterboarding here.
You give up those basic rights as you voluntarily enter the secure zone of the airport.
yikes my dude i forgot about the right to fly without being hassled as envisioned by are founding fathers’
Wait...WHAT!? I’ve never - EVER - heard of pregnancy being a barrier to rental. Like, ever.
Ask for the offensive music to be turned off and then thank the clerk who responds immediately to your request. Then take your purchases and GTFO like an adult.
I wouldn’t ask for someone to be fired because I was slightly annoyed for 5 minutes.
Eengineer’s mom was correct if we ignore the 25 mph bit. Downshift, of course, but knock off enough speed to get 5 mph below your target then get your stupid foot off the brake. Riding your brakes will result in not having any brakes.
It’s bush league psych out stuff man!
Can we not make this a thing please? Not even a thinkpiece type of thing? There’s no mystery here, and it doesn’t take investigative journalism to see this is clearly a small child being coached by overbearing stage parents to perform an annoying, badly Blaccented, not very clever character. This is cringeworthy at…
“When I become a parent.”
It’s exactly these kinds of shenanigans that keep me from competing in Ironman events. That and a life of slothful lethargy and general ill health due to poor diet, plethoric bong hits and excessive alcohol intake.
The difference between bad quality trade goods made here and bad quality trade goods made in Chine is simple: Liability. You can have anything you want made in China to any grade of build quality that you want to pay for and no one will need to inspect it for safety, test it for toxins, approve it for medical use,…
So now the onus is on those women to meet with the club? What is there to understand? How about they get their fucking membership comped for a year and that dumbass father-in-law gets banned indefinitely for being a racist mouth-breather. That seems like a good starting point.
Did you not read the article?
Approaching the container ship in San Francisco Bay, the tugboat looks like a pit bull puppy chasing an…
Sooooo many people miss that. Best movie ever. They got SCMODS
I find that just the opposite is true on the previously gawker subs. Outrage is what fuels these people. They troll the comment section looking for anything to get their self righteous dander up.