
How ‘bout a bill that requires classes teaching police how to interact with kids?

Is that the officially sanctioned police grip these days or this just a thug hiding behind a badge?

Just so I understand...The off duty cop is on the ground, surrounded by other police officers (which is maybe a little suspicious, but doesn’t scream racism yet). They eventually recognize him, and tell him to get up. At the same time, a rando cop arrives on the scene, see’s the off-duty cop up/getting up and shoots

Counterpoint: It’s a foul ball off the bat of Jay Bruce in a meaningless game. 

Or he was cleverly disguised in a literally any English dude costume.

Gained baseball, gained free hand to hold beer. I see a win.

If only she had been warned of his poor decision-making beforehand

What about a goth wedding? If the couple is really goth?

What’s not fine is a Great Gatsby-themed wedding

Also joining the tour are Terrell Owens giving a lecture on “How to Wisely Invest,” and Ray Rice with his topic on “Proper Elevator Etiquette.”

I guarantee that this will be a financial success for him because.... rape isn’t really a crime in this country.

On the Sun? Please say it’s on the Sun.

The Donald Trump Center For People Who Can’t President Good.

Everyone has their own inflection points. Takes a strong person to hold one’s convictions in the face of race baiting, misogyny, alleged election fraud, alleged collusion with a foreign power within your campaign team, charity mismanagement, impetuousness, incessant Twitter farts, suggesting violence against your

Okay, but people pay $300K for memberships to his golf course. If I invite you over to my house for Christmas and take a dump on the rug, sure it’s technically still my call, but I’m also a huge dick for doing so.

“I wanted to give him a chance. He seemed like a real winner, but this has gone too far.” - At least one of my uncles.

Let’s hear it for David Price for both noting the symptoms and pointing him to some help. That’s some good work right there.

So, as a former veteran and iron worker, Bryce should really resonate with the flag waving patriotic crowd and the lower working class voting block and that’ll give him a huge advantage. And his story with his mother should help him with people who are in danger of losing healthcare is Obamacare is repealed.