
Thanks for staying up!

I mean my standards are so low right now, I approve that we haven’t accidently nuked ourselves yet. So maybe yeah if that’s what they’re measuring by.

Quality writing <3

That’s fucked up. +1

I seriously thought that this was only ever a stupid joke from Anchorman. I can’t believe that anyone ever actually believed this.

Now playing

The original Dirty Dancing is a cinematic masterpiece and is probably the most effective sex education that most Americans have ever received.

Animation Bias (why do women get drawn expressive and men get drawn stoic and why this negatively reinforces childrens’ gender expectations)

Faddish? Oi, mate. This,

The point is that Bill Maher and the other institutional Democrats want fealty for their token liberalism. In their eyes, the political duopoly is just what is, so we should never question or ask for more from the Democrats since their the only other game in town.

Though it’s absolutely not true, even if Obama was born in Kenya, or anywhere else in the world, or even on Mars, he would be an American because his mother is an American. That’s how it works. They would need to prove that Obama’s mother is not his real mother for him to not be an American. That’s what get’s me the

You’re conflating order with clocks and sloppiness with bombs. Most home electronics projects, especially those that are built by children, look like the top picture in their first iteration. Doubly for projects that are not built from a neat little kit where you just follow the instructions. Everything that is in the

Also, for the record, the experiment never actually happened. It was originally published in a bullshit business orineted self-help book in the 60's, and has been constantly reshilled by countless other bullshit business orineted self-help books ever since, but the experiment has never been conducted.

I’m a little verkempt right now.

“Oh and there’s Jim,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s become more famous than me.”

Case and point, Marc Andre Fleury has the exact same demaner as Dana Carvey in Wayne’s World. He’s the weird kid at school in the back of the class that the teacher leared to ingnore instead of engage when they start playing with their Transfromers.

If only I was able to muster any real skill in fighting games.

Atlanta is just a bad sports town for some reason. *cough*probablysystemicracism*cough* A few years ago their WNBA team was in the Finals and they relocated the game to outside Atlatna city limits because Disney on Ice was already booked at the Arena for that week. Boston, Pittsburgh, Chicago... Those are the kinds of

This would be a non-issue if Jimmy Fallon didn’t also suck at doing fluff. He’s a bad comedian. He has the delivery of my coworker’s 5-year-old that is the reason why I decided to get fixed.

It’s so good that the two or three things that are off are exceedingly noticeable, but will probably be fixable soon with our current level of technology. Like Batman’s mask and face are one model instead of two, so the parts of the mask around his cheekbones move as much as his face moves, instead of

All Star Trek or just TOS? I think being high could make some of the more difficult episodes in the early seasons of DS9 more bareable. I don’t think that being high could salvage the horrible episidoes of Voyager, but I won’t totally rule it out.