Ocelotl Chimalpahin

So how about them Power Rangers?!

Right!? Have him eventually end up in a supersuit, maybe like the comic costumes maybe not, but like you said we already had a character that was becoming unhinged and we had already learned about. No, they had to go for shock value, omg they killed the main villain how edgy!…. now what?

Right? it feels like they crammed Season 2 into a few episodes. Like I like DIamondback, I kinda like his over the top acting but it doesn't gel with the themes of the first half. He really feels like a Season 2 villain after Cottonmouth and Mariah get their shot.

It feels like he's a season 2 villain, like a season that really plays up the fantastic. Like the last episodes felt like a condensed season 2

I feel like they needed a white politician to play this angle… but…. how. Maybe they didn't play up the terrorist angle? Ah well.

It really feels like it could've been cut, the show is three to two episodes too long. The show kinda ends when Cottonmouth dies. Unless they bring him back as a zombie serpent or something.

Excuse me alien bullets! The magic bullets will come with Doctor Strange!

That's sounds very consistent from all of these Netflix shows. They run a few episodes too long :/
I can't imagine Ironfist being better now that they've gone hard on a white Danny Rand. I really think it'll be the weakest

I suppose it's the way it was executed. I can see it working, maybe, but really the show is ultimately pro police enforcement.

Is the Hulk/Abomination incident even still canon? Since they can't really make Hulk standalone movie anymore.

That's cool I just wish they were original characters and not the Titans. It can be fun at times.

It's not even that they're childish it's that they're assholes.

Sure but the first Teen Titans show wasn't a brooding dark alienating mess like BvS. It was aloof light and fun but when it got serious it did. Hell they had a lot of silly episodes but they always had heart.

jeez louise could you have used wikipedia to check your spelling? it's VAMONOS, I don't know what this vamanos is.

Nothing gets past you slick

Sure I agree with all that.

Ah I see. You never know who's who on the net. "Gleeful lesbian" Best descriptor ever my friend.

I think you might wanna un pack that? because misogyny is no joke. What do you mean by that? You're not a honey badger are ya?

Well it's a bit of a gag. It's still meant to be kinda funny. He's still performing the character he prepared for Sadie. It's still acceptable to the censors.

ah well