
"This is Alien gone gothic."

A great series, but the original was like "JAWS" ….simple…to the point…and deadly. A truly creepy story even without todays effects. I wish they had been able to give the viewers more of a feeling of what an average person going there experienced (even though we know)….

What a dumb review.
"Breaking Bad" could have been done in 4 hours too.

A girl this guy pursued ends up dead on his property and no one talks about anything but the police.

Until you need them right?

The people that believe Avery is innocent are the same people that use "JFK" by Oliver Stone to form their opinion on the Kennedy assassination. He is right where he belongs, despite the crooked police department. You can have bad cops, and STILL be guilty you know.

He was never abusive to her in the entire film, that's insane.

It didn't feel tacked on. This was a film about the two of them ultimately. Hardly "tacked on".

There was nothing saccharine about the ending. "Saccharine" would have been a slow mo shot of her running to him and freeze framing on them embracing lol
It was done so tastefully that you didn't even see her come out of the house…you just waited….and waited…then heard her footsteps.

Nonsense. Not all works of art need to end like 'The Parallax View" to be works of art.
Love is a pretty powerful….and more to the point…sometimes inexplicable emotion. There is nothing that tells the viewer this relationship will last, or survive what took place…just that for that moment, she was willing to see what