Rowen (Paid Politcal Shill)

It’s come to my attention...

Buffy, Faith, and River (I haven’t seen all of his stuff, so don’t know who the middle person is) are all still pretty petite for people who can kick a shit ton of demon/alien ass. Though, I guess it helps that they are genetically modified or “chosen.”

“She eats like a truck driver yet remains petite and pleasing!”

I feel like if she started with listing her accomplishments, she’d be given shit for that, too.

My guess is she likes people of all genders but is not into having relationships with men with more heteronormative mindsets

Define adults...

I just watched this, a few days ago.

When the owner of a local performance art establishment in NYC was called out for a shit ton of shit (the straw was he had a stage “persona” who’s schtick was saying offensive things as an emcee. So, he said the n-word and I think talked about “retards” or something a long those lines), a local artist got SO OFFENDED

Didn’t he flat out ignore The South during the primary? Or am I just stupid?

Are you sure about that? I get the impression that the cities have a higher percentage of minorities living in them, and across the board, larger urban areas tended to go for Hillary, but a few more people in Philly voting isn’t going to overcome like ALL of Western/rural PA.

Ive been used to engaging with the comments on Gawker media (and spin offs and similar websites) for years, so I often make the mistake of reading the comments.

I really like the way he doesn’t have a plan or anything. He “acknowledges” that all of his work places have been white male dominanted for like, forever, but addressing that issue is...making sure no white dudes feel bad or put out?

There’s a story where he was on set with Olivier, and had stayed up for days because his character was supposed to have stayed up for days, and was talking about it to Olivier, and Olivier’s response was “My dear boy, have you tried just acting?”

I know I’m just some random asshole on the internet but I see you and I hear you.

GAH. Fuck this dude. Maybe the reason people don’t come forward is because it’s ALWAYS like this, and ALL of your fucking decisions will be put under a microscope for other people to judge and they will ALWAYS find you lacking!!!!

If the sex positive world of polyamory and burlesque (I really should use air quotes

And yet, she’s the one being accused of being a greedy jerk intent on destroying someone’s reputation... #ragestroke

Yeah, that’s a whole discussion I’ve seen happen, and it gets very... something (I can’t think right now. I just took some cold meds and they’re kicking in, if I don’t make sense)

In this case, I 100% agree that there’s no need to bring labels into the situation. In other cases, I disagree. As confining as they can be, labels can really help one understand who’s ... safe or not. I’m not 100% comfortable using THAT label, but it’s the first thing I can think of. I’m purely speaking from my own

Hrm. I know that gender and sexuality are fluid and all that. This is the third? example, this week, of a lesbian ending up marrying a cis man, or someone AMAB (and who might not be cis, but isn’t a trans woman, and right now I apologize for any toes that I’m stepping on). Isn’t that... well, not a lesbian? I’m not

Where there no fat actors available? Or are we going to have a shirtless and/or sex scene involving Ford?