Rowen (Paid Politcal Shill)

“Idon’t think we should abandon our principles so easily, but I understand what he’s trying to get at.”

“But what if he is right? What if getting anti-choice democrats elected in places like Omaha will have an overall positive effect on progressive issues​, including abortion?”

“Thereis no pro-choice candidate running for mayor of Omaha, so your choices are an anti-choice Democrat or an anti-choice Republican. Who would Clinton want you to vote for?”

The shitty thing is that this isn’t the first time Sanders has thrown abortion rights under the bus. Of course, when this was brought up during the primary, I was constantly told (usually by white dudes) that I didn’t understand the issues or something just as shitty.

I think you missed the part where Pierrepoint later came to view capital punishment as pointless, and spoke out against it. It’s right there in the section you link to.

“Ipersonally favour the shooting squad, as it’s efficient, quick and spares us all the hand wringing over the pain caused by lethal injections, but I won’t be losing any sleep over these men whichever way they go.”

... I’m confused as to why that’s the LGBT+ community erasing the B.

“Imean...slang for what, though? I’m extremely confused regarding what he thinks he was trying to say.”

I watched that Chris Rock special.

I spent the early days of the internet looking at porn and playing in the White Wolf text chat rooms, so thank you.

I always get excited when someone else has seen it. I used to go around saying “Some days, it’s a good day to die. Some days, it’s a good day to have breakfast”

Oh, and Stans are highly emotionally invested fans of a work. Many people think it’s from the Eminem song Stan about a fan who kills his girlfriend because his favorite rapper doesn’t return his letters, though, i believe it’s older than that

“Becausepeople too much goddamn stock in fictional portrayals of who they think represents them instead of finding actual people who do.”

Shipping is when fans of a show decide that there’s sexual or romantic tension between two characters, rightly or wrongly, and thus wish to see the characters in a relationship (“ship”). Think Team Edward vs Team Jacob. Also, Kirk/Spock (which is why queer shipping is usually referred to as “slash”)

Question, how much of all of this did you read? The issue isn’t about Ms. Purser’s sexuality, but that internet fans came for her because the show did something they felt was queer-baiting.

I’m sure you were apart of the arguments about how the Dems are terrible because they hate Bernie Sanders, Kansas Koch county edition...

I love how Donald isn’t hugging Jesus back.

guys who look like that tend to not actually be all that strong because the “cut” look requires dehydrating the hell out of yourself to get to that point. I bet the gentleman in that picture could not carry me ten feet, let alone bench me like my BF can.

Yes, we tried, but we might have actually WON if people weren’t rolling their eyes and accepting ‘close’ as good enough.