I propose we settle this with dueling jazz trios at a coffee shop on park slope.
I propose we settle this with dueling jazz trios at a coffee shop on park slope.
The president isn’t a dictator so if we have more Sanders and Warrens in congress with a Salty as Fuck Clinton in office, who also knows where everyone’s bodies are hidden, to be able to tell Congress “bitch, sit your ass down and shut the hell up, bitch!!” just think what we could do!! (everyone vote in the midterms.)
Imani Gandy, the Angry Black Lady, had a BIG rant, the other day on This Week in Blackness, where she basically said that these people are flat out making their candidate look bad, and then, on top of it, when it comes to light that Sanders/his campaign is AWARE of this, and very little is being said, that that makes…
Especially when it’s being used as a response to “I’m not sure about Sanders’ electability.”
No, I’m saying that these polls are purely masturbatory in terms of deciding a very nebulous concept of who is more electable.
In fact, Sanders has fared better against the GOP in head to head match up polls.
I get REALLY pissed off when I see it happening in the gay male community (gay dude here). Especially among gay dudes who are white and fairly well off. It’s just... so what? You’re a progressive? Stop being so fucking racist and misogynist! And don’t get offended when I call you on your shit!! (what ... cracks... me…
Nowhere do I imply that most women support Clinton.
As a woman Bernie supporter, I personally find this “Berniebro” label being launched by Clinton supporters just as misogynistic and offensive as the “Berniebros”themselves.
“Don’t these people know what’s best for them?”
Between some people on Gawker and a few choice apples on my Facebook feed, I have to say that this page and these threads are making me want to cry with relief becuase I have been feeling like there’s something wrong with me for not feeling the Bern, and having been called a shit ton of stupid names for simply…
And, of course, that will throw the girls into the paths of other rich men!!
hrm. i realize that the two black characters are supporting characters, but, now that i think about it, Center Stage handled their non-white dancers better than a shitty teen movie usually would (Though, that being said, Eva and Eric were the ONLY non-lily white actors in the main cast, so, it’s really not perfect...)
As an FYI, Luke Cage was more or less created so that Marvel could cash in on some of the Blaxploitation films/genre, so his entire story is problematic.
Yeah. I thought the group of adults who made the snow tunnel for the kid’s sled was really cute. The rest seemed about as dumb as a box of toast.
So the only evidence you have for Sanders “not being on your side” is a 2006 question about public support for progressive legislative priorities?
For some reason, I can’t upload an image so just imagine that I’ve linked to an image of Katya from Archer, here.
Just curious, but what’s your point? I don’t agree with your assessment of the situation, though I respect that you, as an adult, get to make up your own mind.
I HATE having to comment using Facebook. So much. Especially when it’s 6 months to a year later and you’re still getting responses.