
Mostly agreed, with two caveats:

but her emails!

A month ago I would have though that would be a crazy dream, but now It seems possible. I remember when popular sentiment was turning against Bush jr. and it was nothing like this. People openly discuss how terrible Trump is in public and at work...I live in a red state. Sure there are still plenty of supporters,

Not the same. The pause in 2011 was caused by the discovery that to Iraqis admitted has actually been involved in attacks on US troops in Iraq. The pause was to allow time for fingerprint checks between refugees and IED devices found in war zones.

Not the same. The pause in 2011 was caused by the discovery that to Iraqis admitted has actually been involved in attacks on US troops in Iraq. The pause was to allow time for fingerprint checks between refugees and IED devices found in war zones.

Not the same. The pause in 2011 was caused by the discovery that to Iraqis admitted has actually been involved in attacks on US troops in Iraq. The pause was to allow time for fingerprint checks between refugees and IED devices found in war zones.

Now playing

God, it is sad the Red Scare-era quotes are still so relevant, but:

Those people are just blaming the DNC. It’s all “if the DNC had just put up someone likeable....” It’s complete bullshit and very frustrating to continuously encounter in my Facebook feed.

As we can continue down the spiral of tyranny that is turning America into a tire fire I can’t help but think of Susan Sarandon and Jill Stein who told people over and over that Clinton would just as bad if not worse then Trump. I seem to recall Sarandon actually saying she’d rather everyone vote for Trump.

I find it frustrating that his career soared despite his mediocrity while Jennifer Garner’s fizzled despite her awesomeness, a big reason for that seems to be that she took on more domestic responsibilities, which he rewarded her for by cheating with the nanny

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

Well, the problem isn’t fat PEOPLE, it’s fat WOMEN. Men can be fat because they’re allowed to have brains and make money. Women are for looking good, so it we’re fat we are completely irrelevant.

For some reason, when you work for high-profile anti-LGBTQ politicians (and Cheetolini’s personal opinions don’t count, he’s letting Pence run things), it’s difficult to find talented hair, make-up, and fashion advisors.

I’ve seen a few things about how the marchers are fat and it’s like ... so? I mean, clearly, to these people fat women aren’t human and thus don’t count. It still takes a certain level of stupidity to not be able to come up with a better insult than that. Like, it’s not saying our policies are wrong, that we’re

I know we are supposed to be better than this but why does KellyAnne have the makeup skills of a 14 year old? And has nobody told her about conditioner?

These fucking guys can’t even insult us properly.

Agreed. Super not into shitting on the newcomers for what they haven’t previously done.

It’s been two fucking days since the march. Can they live? I’ve seen nothing but links and articles like this since Saturday. Damn - chill out. People are trying to educate themselves and make their next moves.