
I watch it on occasion. I mostly love her because people wind up there when one person has done something they should not have to someone else and I love watching their comeuppance. And she really is so smart in the way she weeds through to get to the truth by having them go slowly one moment to the next in detailing

wow 19 years

However, if I go to the gym and then run errands, I look and feel like a horrible stinky disaster of a human being. I only rock the athleisure as glorified pajamas I can wear outside without shame.

The thing (for me) that’s so seductive about this whole cult isn’t necessarily the idea of having three hours a day to work out (though obviously that’s amazing) but rather the fact that working out for them is so, sort of, passive? Like they have assistants and a trainer and a cash flow that just ....make it happen

Leggings at school pickup say that they are not like poor working pantyhosed or business slacks wearing me; they are over all of that. They can just wear ponytails and leggings and bright sneakers.

Sometimes when I am at my kids’ school, I feel like I missed the memo on what to wear. On Wednesdays, we wear pink workout pants.

Many of the moms in my neighborhood and daycare seem to only wear yoga/athleisure type clothing. For me, it projects - as you say - they are fit and healthy and exercising. As if they are attempting to justify not working with an impression of perpetual exercise. They look like they spent a lot of money to look like

I read this while eating chicken nuggets on the couch. I feel pretty good about that choice.

I screamed at my TV at that point. Now I need to apologize to my TV.

Hopefully this will send independents and bernie supporters over to Hillary.

Trump might actually be going all-in on a theocracy.

It’s kind of impressive that Trump could pick someone who would be objectionable is almost every opposite way from him. I’ve known people who are like “Well, at least Trump isn’t terrible on abortion and gay rights” and then he picks Pence, who is truly awful on both. There’s almost a part of me that wants to

Sounds more like he’s a citizen of the Republic of Gilead to me.

I love that his proof is that two thirds of smokers don’t die from smoking related diseases. I’m sorry, is there another habit I can pick up that has over a 30% chance of killing me? I guess alcohol if I take it really seriously.

I’m afraid it’s a) 2000 and b) tobacco.

“People who know me well know I’m a pretty basic guy. I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”

I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,

Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.

I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.

I too have a feminist cat.