OCD Geek²

Leave Matt Frewer out of this!

What about Wales? Will they stay and try to work things out with England? Or will they start seeing younger, more exciting politico-economic unions?

I No Longer Love Lucy

At this rate it probably won't happen. 2016 doesn't want us to have nice things. Or feel joy. Or hope.

I was hoping he would stick with American Gods and Star Trek: Destiny and drop Amazing Stories. I greedily wanted two Bryan Fuller genre serials to fill the Hannibal-sized hole in my heart.

Friedman's pissed about this. He's been tweeting all day.

Goldsman was never in charge of the Fringe. Neither were Abrams or Kurtzman & Orci, for that matter. Jeff Pinkner was the showunner of Season 1. Pinkner and J.H. Wyman were the co-showrunners of Seasons 2-4. And Wyman was the showrunner of Season 5.

True, but he had Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman successfully reigning in his excesses. Something I could have seen Fuller doing if he was there full-time. Alas…

So… the end of Whedon's sh—-y Buffy: Season 8 comics?

The weirdest thing about that: Season 6 of Community was still available and ad-free on Yahoo for free well after a week past the Blu-ray coming out. Not that I'm complaining, but like you said. How the f—- does that work for them monetarily?

Co-showrunner Manny Coto was the showrunner of Star Trek: Enterprise's fourth season. And he and co-showrunner Evan Katz showran 24: Live Another Day together. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Well, they had a successful test run last week.

Hey, Jonathan wasn't going to shoot up the school. He was just going to kill himself… in the school's previously unseen bell tower… with a sniper rifle. It was all his parents had, okay?

The conservative half of my denomination (United Methodist) is responsible for inspiring, perpetuating and then ignoring the LGBTQ genocide in several African nations they preached homophobia (and suggested anti-gay laws) to. I stand by my "F—- them".

I'm politically liberal and a Christian. We're more common than people think. Hell, Jesus was a liberal social justice activist.

As a Christian, I wholeheartedly concur. F—- Jack Chick. F—- Jerry Falwell, Jr. F—- Pat Robertson. And f—- Donald Trump. Here's hoping the orange one and his deplorables are the beginning of the end of American Christian extremism.

The guy exuded a buttload of seemingly natural warmth. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If he was ever given a role on a great Gilmore Girls/Parenthood-style series he would have gone down as one of the greatest TV dads in history.

I'm not "lying". It's been well documented in interviews, making of books, and even Lucas' own words about Kershner/Kasdan's The Empire Strikes Back (Lucas said in "A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years Later" that it was darker and less kid-friendly than he would have liked). He was

Imagine it? I'm fapping to it right now!

To be fair to Koepp, he also wrote the original Jurassic Park and the original Raimi Spider-Man. And wrote and directed Ghost Town, which I haven't seen but received positive reviews.