OCD Geek²

And the sequel/prequel (That's right. They Godfather II-ed it.) has that sweet Michael Biehn action as York's brother/our action hero protagonist.

The following season, after a fan uproar and intense contract negotiations, it turns out it wasn't her goop after all. "What?," Pitt tells a heavily tattooed and possibly Asberger-y Morgan Freeman, "I didn't pick up the goop and examine it!"

That's just what the lamestream Federation media wants you to believe. Earth Broadcasting Company, Federation News Network, Starfleet Broadcasting even the Federation News Service. They're all in Janeway's pocket. They're her campaign's propaganda arm.

And Carpenter's gone on record saying he considers it more of a mash-up of Rio Bravo and Night of the Living Dead than a straight remake.

It was forced on them by the studio. The original ending was when he turns directly to the camera and tell us that we're next. A downer ending that fit with the rest of the film. The studio felt that was too dark an ending and forced Siegel to make the bookend sequences with the military official in post-production.

Whoo! Gene Wilder's coming back! *pops open bottle of champagne* Not that I'm, you know, advocating murder. *clumsily reinserts cork*

She was on seven seasons of Gilmore Girls (six of them great), and she was f—-ing fantastic in it. Warm, funny, quirky and loving. It's amazing what she can do when given a three-dimensional character and good scripts.

He was by f—-ing far the best part of the Buffy movie.

"Ms. Jolie was then escorted off the podium by a clown with a large broom."

A monster made of putty molded by a nerdy craftsman monster in his workshop on the Moon and brought to life by his employer, a poorly dubbed witch from Japan. It's self explanatory, really.

Another Hollywood FAQ

I have zero interest is seeing anything Power Rangers-related.

McCoy's the best.

"Let me guess. You're from outer space." "No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space."

The first half was good before it turned to sh—. It's teetering on the edge, if that makes you feel any better.

It's their emphasis on deep character development in an ongoing serialized storyline filled with engaging subplots and wonderful supporting characters.

The only episodes that were well received by critics and fans are:

At least Braga eventually remade it as an entire season (Enterprise: Season 3) as he originally intended.

At least Braga eventually remade it as an entire season (Enterprise: Season 3) as he had originally intended.

Voyager (outside of about 6-8 legitimately great episodes) was awful. If anything Enterprise is underappreciated. Season 3 (minus the tacked on Alien Nazi cliffhanger) and Season 4 (minus the episode that aired after the two-part series finale) are the Trek equivalent of Seasons 25-26 of Doctor Who. Not as good as