OCD Geek²

So the end of Whedon's X-Men run, but bassackwards.


There's literally dozens of you! DOZENS!!!

Jimmy's dowwwn!

There's really only a handful of movies that are so batsh— insane that they're legitimately entertaining on their own terms. Everything else is only entertaining if you're drinking with a group of friends or watching it on something like MST3K or Best of the Worst.

They'll finally deliver what audiences have been demanding. More Babylon 5 message board references.

God, yes. As much as I loved Rose, Donna and Clara (well, at least during the Twelfth/Clara years) my favorite periods were the Eleventh/Amy/Rory/sometimes-River era and the sadly brief Ninth/Rose/Jack era. Damn you Torchwood! Well, except for Children of Earth. An abundance of character dynamics is ALWAYS a welcome

I'll give him Batman Begins (like I give Akiva Goldsman his Fringe episodes), but… well…

Not to mention Gilmore Girls. People who say she can't play a three-dimensional character have clearly not watched Gilmore Girls past the first few episodes (early on everyone that wasn't Lorelei or Rory was painted in EXTREMELY broad strokes).

Yeah, you have to pretend Bridesmaids, Spy and freakin' Gilmore Girls don't exist!

Bridesmaids was good (although almost all her roles since have annoyingly been the same freakin' character) and Spy was fantastic. And McCarthy was funny, three-dimensionally human and full of warmth on Gilmore Girls.

There was Doctor Mordrid starring Jeffrey Combs. They lost the movie rights to Doctor Strange during pre-production, but made it anyway.

He sure as sh— better be involved in that musical.

You're welcome!

As a fan of both Gilmore Girls and Hannibal, I would eat that sh— up!

And neither is Juliet Landau. I love that their only actually British actor (Tony Head) was using a different accent than his real one the entire time. So many good sounding fake British accents. Well, I'm from New Jersey so I wouldn't know. But they sounded good!

Made even more heartbreaking with the knowledge that Andy Hallett passed away just four years later at age 33. That line gets me every time.

And Garth Ennis, who hates superheroes with a fiery passion, has a better appreciation and understanding of Superman. That Hitman issue is still one of the greatest Superman stories ever written. The man who wrote an entire comic series about people tracking down and murdering superheroes because superheroes suck gets