
No more crazy reviews ? ;_;

You're not so far from the truth, from what I saw his only jobs are raking, picking apples, and lurking around.

What the hell was this hungry to death scientist doing there (eating food that appeared magically stored in a convenient place for such products, like a corridor). Nobody told us they have started to starve… And that crappy rat-trap sequence, god :|

Does anyone else thinks that Sarah looks like a small weird animal ?

I would have loved seeing Alan becoming accidentally infected by the aerosol airborne virus from the fire ^^

She doesn't have her father's eyes indeed. She doesn't even look like someone who is half asian, or is it like in the tv show "The Neighboors" were the aliens took whatever face they thought would suit ?

What father lets his daughter draw on everything with car keys ? Such bad parenting ! Also, what did she do alone outside the fake cabin long enough to draw her "signature" on every piece of metal Julia would magically come across later ?
The only thing I didn't predict in this episode was the military guys trying to