Occam's Babby Former

I now fully understand game theory thanks to these tweets.

You don't even need to go on a porn site for it. Not even a Google image search is safe depending on the mon.

I think this Porygon article means the AV Club will soon do sponsored content about the latest Up-Grades and Dubious Discs.

Rex Tillerson's America!!!

But as the Secretary of HUD, Ben Carson will build us tremendous bomb shelters so we can last another year!

I picked Arizona, so that whole side of the bracket is a loss for me. The Ducks winning would help since SG picked the Zags.
I do like the Ducks, even if I went to OSU. First Final Four in 78 years since the Tall Firs! Dana Altman is quite good too. It's unfortunate they're playing the Zags since I'd like to see both

I picked UNC to win it all! But I don't think I can catch SG even if Gonzaga loses.

Calipari has always seemed kind of greasy to me, but that may be mainly because he looks like an extra from Goodfellas. Well, that and being associated with the NCAA, which is its own kind of racket.

The Roy Williams Revenge Tour going well is only thing I predicted accurately.


Can you have that manager coach the Icelandic and Iranian national teams and have them both beat England in the most ludicrous displays possible?

Can I rent DVDs from your collection for money and/or my undying affection?

Who is your favorite Monster Factory character and why?

Sense and Sensibility and SJWs

Another classic (South) Carolina-Duke game.


Your MOM is a common phrase/idiom!