Occam's Babby Former

I wasn't totally against dealing Boogie and do a reset, despite him being the best thing about the Kings since… a long time. I still think what the Kings got back for him was a bit lacking, to say the least. Still, Hield has been solid and I can sort of see why they were so hot on him. I'm still very wary of Ranadive,

I saw it and was too saddened to say anything.

There's a non-zero chance I will name my next cat Bramblepelt.

I'm over a hundred episodes into MBMBaM after starting from the beginning last year. I hope to be caught up by the end of the year.

Adventure Time too and that's basically it.

The highlight of Mike Glennon's career is… being in a few Breaking Maddens?

Bigly Tremendous Doubleplusgood Health Care: Gaiden

The KKK rating is the very best of course.

Sorry, I watched Manchester By The Sea tonight. Still funnier than SNL, it seems!

Because it's always time for some Game Theory.

Trump University

At least you said the whole word.

I can't see how those Amazons can be so big and tough if they spend so much time online.

Emma Stone was actually Oliver Stone the whole time.

I'm glad Moon…land? won for best picture… show.

Everyone keeps stealing my best slashfic. :'-(

SBT is Rob Liefeld confirmed.