Occam's Babby Former

War of Newfie Aggression

Regina's so broken insiiiide!

all Steven Universe episodes are beautiful. Each episode is a unique experience—the emotion, the humor, the sheer feats of animation. Each one so complicated and yet, exactly the same.

Today I listened to an old MBMBaM episode from 2011, where at the end they give a shout-out to Nick Robinson for promoting the show on Twitter.

No, no.
I do that.
Here's the thing.

I sincerely hope Trump never had sex with Eartha Kitt anywhere.

You have 3/4th of a solid Stefon impression there.

It's a fine film. I am not looking forward to any backlash it gets if/when it wins a lot of awards.

I'd say it's above meh, perhaps even a'ight. It's pretty and charming enough to see in theaters if you can, but it isn't essential.

I saw La La Land today. More like La La Bland, amirite??? Nah, it was fine. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are capable, if not brilliant. The references to Casablanca and Rebel Without a Cause were telling, as the film could never quite shake the feeling of being little more than a fairly well-done homage to Classical

You should buy it. The first mumblecore history book could be worth a lot of money someday!

I think it's fitting in a way. Trump was a pop culture figure in a loose, terrible sense with The Apprentice. His presidency fits the tone of an awful reality show. The AVC has never been a politically neutral, nor should it try to be.

I'd say part of it is due to technological change. Twitter was barely a thing eight years ago when Obama took over. Leaks surely took place before then, but things like the rogue Twitter accounts puts all of them in a fairly centralized and accessible place, just as one example.

I don't know… "I'm Chunky Monkey" isn't so great either.

More and more I mainly keep track of the NFL and hope for its destruction.

Thanks, Obama!

Jonx Bois!