Occam's Babby Former

A few days now. I'm not made of stone!

Humans ‘Flirt’ With Disaster In High-Scoring Thriller

But is The Americans kicking the rest of television's ass, AV Club???

We’re doing it. It’s happening again. We’re forgetting about Mike Trout. It’s like collectively, we’re a second-grade teacher with a real-life wizard in our classroom and yet we never call on him or her to be the volunteer for any of the science experiments, so as not to single out the wizard kid while also ensuring

Max Road: Keanu's Dog

Mad John: Fury Wick

False! Every Transformer clearly has feet and no pouches!

Fine, I'll watch it. You drive a hard bargain!

But does the venerable Miss Sutton Foster sing and/or dance in the film?

Is he going to right the ship with the quickness?

I watched it about a week ago. Still holds up.

Per$onal I$$ue

"I was born with rabies and my parents never loved my because they both had mono!"

Well, he did screw over Michigan in the championship game calling for the timeout they didn't have. I irrationally like him because he was a key player in those early 2000s Kings teams I loved as a kid. He also become a solid commentator which is remarkable enough for a former player.

No Man's Sky????

Chris Webber isn't that bad!

I am irrationally curious and disappointed that Camp Pining Hearts S5 is apparently garbage. I wonder what went wrong.

But they had Good Times! from "Home Economics"

People think the GOP is bad, but Canadian conservatives are literally Death Eaters!

I like some of Garnet's flaws being exposed a bit, how Ruby and Sapphire can be so insular as to endanger everyone else.