Occam's Babby Former

"If you play for one gem, that’s all you’ll get." - Earl "Pearl" Weaver

Slight Spoiler Alert:

I spent about an hour analyzing the pick-up baseball game in the leaked Steven Universe episode. I am disappointed Pearl possibly gave up a blown save. She's a nice fielder though!

I need to see Peridot and Connie together. I would certainly listen to a pop culture podcast they hosted.

Don't give Ronaldo any ideas…

I love how Peridot saying "I want her to understand" about Lapis echoes back the ending of "Too Far" with her saying "I want to understand." about Amethyst and the Crystal Gems in general. She's come a long way in her short timewith Steven and the Gems.

Maybe he's just a fan of Staples Center.


Typical LB post.

Which seven books has he read?

Indeed. Mitt has some capacity for human emotion and a mostly unmelted face!

What kind of pizza is Kasich eating?

Now I almost miss Romney's doleful automaton shtick. He tried so hard to sound and act human! Sad! :'-(

It's pretty good, but it's no Clint Eastwood's Chair.

I don't know…

For a second there I thought you were quoting Vox.

༼ ಠل͟ಠ༽

Man, those are some harsh words about Snowmania.

This is what I've been wanting since all the way back to "Mirror Gem"/"Ocean Gem" and it was fantastic. It was a perfect mix of wistful, hopeful and disdainful of Jersey. I love Lapis's understandably sardonic view of herself as a nice balance to Steven's relentless optimism. It was visually spectacular as well.

Vague spoilers!

CSI: Cyber's legacy lives on…