Occam's Babby Former

Silly Semi can't even write a whole tweet to make fun of Donald Trump. Sad!

It's about time Pokemon got political!

A generous contribution from the Patty and Selma Bouvier Foundation.

The true highlight of his campaign.

Whatever, man. *splits a whole pizza with Kasich*

Douchey Dave has to ask his mother who to vote for. Sad!

I always knew you were the spawn of Trump supporters.

And protect our bathrooms from European things like bidets that would turn us into gay socialists.

But a bathroom mirror is the only place someone will look at them, if only by accident.

That's for sure. ;-)

Dave, enough about your penis!

Of course! It's been so long I almost miss Ronaldo. Almost!

I liked them too. They were a good weird! I'm glad they resolved Malachite and the Cluster for now. It's been a long time since we've seen the other residents of Beach City.

But what of the rest of television?



Him being so obsessed with it is sort of weirdly humanizing.

Underestimate Putin at your peril!

To be fair: colonialism!