Occam's Babby Former

Why are we listening to Prince when we could be listening to Modern music group Tool instead???

He's the Fifth Beatle, if half the Beatles were outright bigots and all of them couldn't sing and one of them was a woman.

publish an incredibly long, incredibly stupid article that just goes on and on and on and on and say literally nothing beyond banal concern trolling.

I blaze it everyday, silly!

But everyone goes on TV to explain in detail how and why they don't want to be president!

That is true but I have no faith in the GOP establishment being able to stop him, since their main objective was anyone but Trump or Cruz and lol.

To give the electorate the illusion of genuine political involvement!

- The Confederate army, summer 1863.

I mean, he probably knows, but he has to frame it in a way where he isn't a loser.

Bernie Thoughts, obviously.

I believe bad teams should be named after their owners to shame them:

Both of my parents are dead.


The finale felt a bit safe to me. It hit the necessary plot points and was fun in parts, but it didn't go for broke like I thought the season finale could and perhaps should have.

6+5+4+3+0 = 18/2 = 9 = 3*3 = 3^2

I'm more of a Trent guy myself.

I found the finale to be serviceable. Better than good, it's good enough!

And Slumbered is far from the best Disney film.

When will Rebecca listen to her dream ghost?