Occam's Babby Former

Lea Salonga can only do so much, sadly.

So where does everyone rank Slumbered as part of the Disney Renaissance?

You may already know this one. I sang this on Star Search in 1984 and I got 3 and 3/4 stars.

I just remembered I could fly. Peace, bitch.

1. S
2. U
3. C
4. K
5. S

This is truly a filmmaker who deserves their own cinematic universe.

Lineup construction in general is taken too seriously. It does have an impact, but the randomness of who does and doesn't get on base limits the effectiveness of any specific lineup strategy. That said, there are common sense ways to go about it, like putting your best hitters towards the top of the order so they get

Fangraphs is a great site with wonderful baseball analysis. My favorite is by the commenter "Serbian to Vietnamese to French and back says" who translates troll comments, as the name suggests, from English to Serbian to Vietnamese to French and back. Here is some trenchant analysis, to wit:

This weekend watched/listened to Rachel Bloom's pre-CEG music video oeuvre and my favorites are "Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury" and "I Steal Pets" which are pretty unoriginal choices. Though I do appreciate the silliness "I Was a Mermaid and Now I'm a Pop Star" and "Pictures of Your Dick" as a chance for Rachel to belt out a

I'm pretty sure he shaved them off just to get noticed. He'll do more and more body modification to get votes and I bet he'll have gauges in his ears by June.

Pretty much if a character sings a song, especially more than one, they are not well-adjusted. Usually. It can depend on the song. Like with "Getting Bi" Darryl is beginning to embrace his new identity on a path of self-actualization. He's slowly getting better though the power of White Josh.

Heather was fine but took the break-up with Greg pretty hard. She's still better than the rest of the characters though.

That's now saying a whole lot, but White Josh probably is the most well-adjusted main character at least. Hector and Father Brah who both seem alright. Dr. Akopian should hopefully be fairly well-adjusted being a psychologist.

Thanks, Douchebama!

He's from Texas, so he obviously loves Ted Cruz.

Bernie and Trump yell at people what they want to hear!

Yeah, when will you finally muzzle Narwhal?

Night and Jonx

Night and Fog

$Hillary is really a thing? Wow.