Occam's Babby Former

UGNE would be effusive about the Jaguars if they ever got their act together.

I also like this description of Lincoln by Whitman:

Clearly nothing is more punk than wearing a suit and tie!

I kind of like this show called Community. Has anyone here seen it?

*throws a slice of pizza at your present and past self*

Linus and Lucy?

I don't think he CAN ever know! lololololol

Cell phones in theaters are terrible. Instead, I just whisper-yell "WHO IS THAT?" or "WHAT IS THIS SONG?" and wait for someone else watching to respond!

Steven Universe has not aired in far to long and it's starting to get to me. Now I've started creating new episodes in my head! My favorite so far:

I do like the Lakers going "Ah, fuck it" and letting Kobe shoot as much as possible. More teams should let players try to break single-game records in their last game. Scoring 60 on 22-50 shooting is just about the most quintessential Kobe stat line possible.

I do! It feels so long ago. I guess because it was.

Kobe Bryant played his last game tonight and an increasingly poor-shooting and hobbled 14 year-old albatross on my childhood psyche is finally gone from the NBA!

It's always wonderful to hear Santino Fontana sing of course but “I Gave You a UTI” was a bit personal for me. As a dude with some kidney issues I've actually had some UTIs before. I know full well what they are! They are terrible.

I have a centrifuge I bought in Colonial Williamsburg when I was twelve; I never used it but brought it to West Covina…


To be fair, the 14 delegates represent all of the Democratic party in Wyoming!

As if I needed another reason to hate the Cubs!

Is the date with White Josh?

Sava in general can be pretty hit-or-miss for me and his reviews can be like that sometimes.