Occam's Babby Former

That is a sound strategy for whomever has the rights to the film. Owning a Joe Estevez and Robert Z'Dar vehicle gives that company real leverage at the bargaining table.

Why did so few Canadian teams make the playoffs? Why is Justin Trudeau avoiding the big issues?!?!?!?

How can they take "Soul Taker" away from us? Shout Factory isn't Joe Estevez!

Like with every other aspect of society, the racism of the sports media has gotten much more subtle!

I didn't know that either. That is sad, and makes sense. I've always taken AI's "side" because those press conferences are almost always silly and pointless. Especially when your friend just fucking died.

How was the practice episode?

Josh Donaldson is pretty good at baseball.

Rime of the Ancient Deliverer

David [Stern] told me, "This is the stupidest f—-ing idea I've ever heard."

Christ/Hitler is the new Frost/Nixon.

Just in time for the radioactive super boars to save us all!

Jango Fett Unchained

You never insult me anymore. :'-(

I read in an article the New Yorker about Sanders which said he is a big fan of Eugene V. Debs and even made a cheesy documentary about him back in the day. I've been thinking Bernie entered the election wanting to be this century's Debs by yelling about socialism and getting like 5% of the national popular vote while

12000 Angry Comments Inside Amy Schumer

First of all: stupid. Second of all: gay.

It's like writers tell stories about people they like or something!!!!

Sexy Female King Arthur is my favorite ancient fanfic!

I will NOT congratulate SG for winning the CZ fantasy basketball league. Literally anyone could win with Steph Curry and the Greek Freak. A monkey could! It was the best of teams, it was the blurst of teams!