Occam's Babby Former

Silly Stephen, "The Walking Dead" and "stupid" is redundant!

⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚ I'D TIPPI HER HENDREN, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! ⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚

We love you, Roobles! Come back to us!

Clearly a Vox writer tried to send their kid to Marvel daycare, but it was too expensive.

Feet, however, are not awesome.

Are you implying God's Not Dead 2 is NOT meaningful competition, you heathen?!?!?!?

Boxman vs. Officeman: Dawn of Jonx

Casual revelations of deriding New York.

Clearly that is the biggest issue facing the US right now and the only reason to leave the country.

With Steven Universe being renewed today I'm wondering:

More importantly, has Camp Pining Hearts been renewed?

You know you're fucked when Walmart has the moral high ground.

Those are my thought about the RNC too!

Mystery Steven Universe 3000

I got a Crying Breakfast Friends notification for this?!?!

I've been reading about past chaotic Republican and Democratic National Conventions to mentally prepare for the probable political tire fire that will be the 2016 RNC.

Damn, that is cool. I can't wait to see those episodes in a dozen Steven Bombs spread over a whole decade!

Just add "Thanks, Obama!" to the end of everything you say to make every conversation political!


Well, relatively.