Occam's Babby Former

At this point, GOB is more electable.

Water savings are an important tenet in the teachings of the almighty water type Lord Helix.

I've had a bit more luck avoid crashes with TGB-Dual if you're still interested in playing this wonderful game.

From English to Japanese to Traditional Chinese to Vietnamese and back to English in Google Translate.

If you're playing the game, make sure to save state and save your game often. The game is glitchy as hell and certain moves, pokemon, trainers and items can cause the game to crash.


Charlie Kaufman? More like Charlie Cough, Man, because he's such a HACK!

Ya burnt, Starburns Industries!

Don't be so hard on yourself!

Glaz should utilize her Letterboxd clout to get rid of him.

So not only have you not killed Pulp, you're letting him write as well???

I know, right? Los Angeles is no West Covina!

Are these "sisters" giant women and/or crystal gems?

On the other hand, I see Gillian Jacobs online way more than my high school classmates.

I look really damn good in a tutu!

I am slightly creeped out but mostly touched, Stingo! You are certainly invited to my next threesome!

I'll take it gladly!

I mean, I'd probably act the same way, but I wouldn't expect others to enjoy watching it!

You're The Blurst?!?!? You stupid monkey!