Occam's Babby Former

Don't worry, SG! Qatar will be the end all, be all of soccer by ruining it forever!

Stephen, your boundless national pride is insufferable!

You should avoid that by rewatching it three times. ;-)

Rebecca avoided going to work and went somewhere that I forget now. Maybe to the MoMA with Greg? That kind of makes sense. Anyway, she was able to get away with it because Darryl was there too for some reason. Rebecca also talked about liking Community because dream logic. Sadly, I don't remember the musical numbers.

I've also been meaning to start my own Fashion Club for a while now.

Yes, foodies do need more representation. ;-)

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♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

We can at least appreciate the historically great defense/inept QB play. The last Super Bowl without a passing TD was Super Bowl III 47 years ago.

My mom's butthole has always been a cool artist!

You got old.

Last night I dreamed I watched a new CXG episode created from my own imagination. It was pretty good!

Q ◣ is a catchable Gen 1 glitch pokemon, so yes.

Bernie himself is starting to feel the Bern. :'-(

Cool. Cool cool cool. Hopefully the competition ramp later this year, especially for EVO.

What are your thoughts on the current Melee meta?

Pokemon is a sport!

It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Game

A Super Bowl without a passing TD. What a time to be alive. Was football really like this so long ago? No wonder old people are grumpy and hate everything.

"Blitzing" is also a football term because the Nazis had some good ideas.